14 Days Highlights Of Central America

Highlights Of Central America

14 Days / 13 Nights


  • Private ground transportation with tour guide.
  • Daily breakfast (13), Lunch (1)- no beverages
  • Boat ride in Lake Atitlán; Río Dulce/Livingston/Puerto Barrios;
    Suchitoto; Granada
  • Entrance fees in Antigua; Joya de Cerén; Copán (no museum or
    tunnels); Quiriguá; Tikal (no museum); Leon; Granada; Masaya


  • Personal expenses
  • Tips for bellboy, maid, guide and driver
  • Beverages and meals not mentioned
  • Flight GUA/FRS (see supplements)
  • Border crossing fees: $5.00 each crossing.

Highlights Of Central America

14 Days / 13 Nights


Day 1: Arrival. Arrival to Guatemala City and transfer to the hotel in Antigua (x 2 nights). Hotel SUP: Casa Santo Domingo. Hotel FIRST: Villa Colonial.

Day 2: Antigua Tour + Coffee Farm (B). “Exploring Antigua Guatemala is like stepping back in time … cobbled stone streets, pastel façades under terracotta roofs, parks with fountains … amidst a dramatic setting surrounded by three volcanoes, Agua, Fuego and Acatenango.” These are some of the reasons why Antigua was declared by UNESCO “Cultural Heritage of Humankind”. Present-day Antigua´s focal point is the lovely Parque Central, surrounded by the Cathedral, the Captain-Generals Palace, the City Hall and the Portal de las Panaderas.

Day 3: Antigua/Lake Atitlán (Boat trip to Santiago Atitlán + San Juan La Laguna) (B). Transfer to Lake Atitlán which is surrounded by three impressive volcanoes (San Pedro, Atitlán and Tolimán) and 12 picturesque Maya-Cakchiquel and Maya-Tzutuhil villages. Arrival to the town of Panajachel and continue by boat to Santiago (town visit + Máximon Shrine). Continue by boat to San Juan La Laguna. Visit several artisan workshops interacting with the indigenous people and learn more about their traditions, cosmovision, textile production processes, etc. Hotel SUP: Porta del Lago. Hotel FIRST: Villa Santa Catarina.

Day 4: Chichicastenango Market / PM drive to GUA. Flight to Flores (B). Departure to Chichicastenango, where you will see the most colorful and picturesque outdoor market in Guatemala. Every Thursday and Sunday locals from the region, gather to buy and sell fruits, vegetables, flowers, grains, animals, textiles and handicrafts. Afternoon continue to Guatemala for the flight to Flores. (x 2 nights). Hotel SUP: Villa Maya. Hotel FIRST: Maya Internacional.

Day 5: Tikal National Park (B,L). The majestic city of Tikal, considered the largest and most monumental of all sites discovered in the Mayan World, was declared by UNESCO as a “World Heritage Site”. Enjoy a guided walking tour to visit the most important plazas, complexes, temples, ball courts, palaces and stelae. Also enjoy the tropical forest, nesting place of hundreds of exotic birds and the habitat of a wide variety of wildlife. Afternoon return to Flores for a walking visit of Flores Island.

Day 6: Flores/Rio Dulce/ Livingston (B). Morning departure to Río Dulce where we will take a boat ride for a panoramic view from the river of Castillo San Felipe, a fort that was built in early XVI century to protect the merchandise from pirates of the Gulf of Mexico. Admire the lush tropical forest, hundreds of birds and the impressive Río Dulce Canyon. Arrival to the Garífuna town of Livingston. Hotel Villa Caribe.

Day 7: Livingston/Puerto Barrios/Quiriguá/Copán (B).  Boat transfer to Puerto Barrios. Note: the boat transfer is without guide, a new guide receives the clients in Puerto Barrios. Continue to visit the archaeological site of Quiriguá. Declared by UNESCO “Cultural Heritage of Humankind”, Quiriguá is famous for having the tallest stone-carved stelae in the Maya World. After the visit drive to Copán, Honduras. Hotel SUP: Marina Copán; Hotel FIRST: Plaza Copan.

Day 8: Copán Tour / Esquipulas/Suchitoto (El Salvador) (B). Copán is one of the most impressive archaeological sites in the Maya World. It was declared “World Heritage Site” by UNESCO and presents a sophisticated architectural style and a unique art for stone carving. Visit the main plazas, complexes and monuments. Afterwards drive back to Guatemala and onto Esquipulas. This city is famed for being the center of catholic pilgrimage in Central America since here is where its venerated the Black Christ
of Esquipulas. Continue to Suchitoto, El Salvador. (x 2 nights) Hotel SUP: Almendros de San Lorenzo. Hotel FIRST: Casa 1800.

Day 9: Suchitoto visit + boat on Lake Suchitlán (B). Suchitoto was the place where the Spanish conquistadores founded the Villa de San Salvador in 1528 by Diego de Alvarado in the Valley of la Bermuda. Walk around town visiting the Plaza Central or Centeneria where the Church of Santa Lucía is located. Afterwards enjoy a boat ride on Lake Suchitlán. This lake was formed due to the damming of the Cerrón Grande hydroelectric power station.

Day 10: Suchitoto/Joya de Cerén/San Salvador/La Union (B). Drive to the archaeological site of Joya de Cerén, which holds the country’s most important archaeological vestiges. It is believed that this Maya village was inhabited for a short time, until the eruption of the Laguna Caldera Volcano that destroyed and preserved the remains of the village covering it by more than 10 feet of volcanic ashes, over 1,400 years ago. This site, considered the “Pompey of the Americas” was declared by UNESCO “World Heritage Site. After the visit continue to San Salvador for a panoramic city visit and afterwards, drive to La Union. Hotel Comfort Inn.

Day 11: La Unión/ Border crossing (ESA-HON)/ Border crossing (HON-NIC) / León (visit) (B). Early departure on the way to “El Amatillo” Border (El Salvador/Honduras). Afterwards, continue for approx. 2 hrs in Honduras towards “El Guasaule” Border (Honduras/Nicaragua). After border formalities, we head to León, the second largest city of Nicaragua. It was founded in 1524 and severely destroyed by an eruption of nearby Momotombo volcano. Walking visit of this city home to several interesting colonial churches: La Merced, El Calvario, San Francisco, etc. Hotel SUP: El Convento. Hotel FIRST: Hotel Austria.

Day 12: León/Masaya Volcano / Granada (B). Morning visit to Masaya Volcano National Park, the first and largest National Park in Nicaragua. Afterwards continue to Granada, one of the oldest cities in Central America. Also known as “La Gran Sultana” by its Moorish and Andalusian appearance, Granada has a rich colonial heritage. (x 2 nights) Hotel SUP: Plaza Colon. Hotel FIRST: Patio del Malinche.

Day 13: Granada City tour + boat through islets (B).  Granada was founded in 1524 which makes it the oldest city in Nicaragua and one of the first cities in the Americas. This city was not only the settlement for the Spanish conquistadores, but also registered on the official records of the Corona de Aragón y el Reino de Castilla de España. After the visit, enjoy a boat ride through the islets which are an archipelago of 360 isles that where formed by an avalanche of mud and rocks from Mombacho Volcano.

Day 14: End. Transfer to Managua International Airport. (B)

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