Terms & Conditions

Passports and Visas: Passengers are responsible for ensuring that they have theproper travel documents and MUST CHECKwith the respective consulate(s) or visa agency to determine whether any visasor passports are required. Passports are required to be valid for at least 6months beyond the dates of travel. Some countries require a full blank page inthe passport for stamping purposes. For more information, anyinformation provided pertains to US citizens only. Non-US citizens should checkwith the respective consulate of the country(s) to be visited for current entryrequirements.

Travel Protection: Missing a vacation is bad enough. Losing the money, youpaid for your vacation is even worse. Therefore, we recommend Travel Protectionthat helps provide coverage for Trip Cancellation, Interruption, Baggage Lossor Delay, Medical Expenses and more. Travel Protection is non-refundable after 10-dayfree look period. For a summary of the plan details on coverages, benefits,limitations and exclusions, please refer to the Description of Coverage.

Documents: Provided full payment is receivedno later than your Final Payment Due date, documents will be sent via email 21days prior to the onset of services. If paper documents are requested whene-documents are available, documents will be delivered via FedEx approximately14-21 days prior, and a fee of $30 will apply. A complete street address isrequired (no PO boxes).

Children: All children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.There is no minimum age on independent packages. Discounts for children sharinga room as third may apply to children under 12. Most hotels do not permitchildren under 18 to occupy a room without an adult. Accompanying adults areresponsible for the safety of their children including to provide any necessarysafety equipment (such as infant/child seats) where appropriate. Please notethat many countries have adopted practices to prevent international abductionsof children. If a person under the age of 18 years will be travelling with anadult other than his/her parents, or with only one parent, a notarized letterwritten by the parents, or non-travelling parent, granting authorization totravel, including the dates of travel should be carried.

PRICES: Prices are per person based upon shared twin room occupancy.Prices do not include passport and visa fees, insurance, and foreign port taxesunless specifically indicated in the package inclusions. Prices are correct attime of publication; however, as airfares continually fluctuate and classes ofservice may have limited capacity, tour package prices and availability willchange accordingly. In case of human or computer error, DALATOUR reserves theright to re-invoice for the correct price or service. A full refund will bemade to passengers who choose not to pay an increase, provided DALATOURreceives a written cancellation within five days of the price increasenotification.

TRAVELERS WITH DISABILITIES: In order to fully enjoy your DALATOUR, we recommend thatyou select a trip that is suitable to your physical capabilities. Tour participantsrequiring any form of assistance, including travelers with physicaldisabilities, sight or hearing impairments, are required to notify DALATOURprior to reservation for review and our agreement. Additionally, the tourparticipant must be accompanied by an individual responsible for providingthose services. Tour managers, guides, drivers or other tour, hotel, shippersonnel are not able to provide such assistance. In order to participate inescorted tours, passengers must be able to understand and follow instructionsgiven by the Tour Director at all times, both for the successful operation ofthe tour as well as for their personal safety. DALATOUR reserves the right toreject participation or remove any individual from a tour in the event thatnotification was not provided and/or when, in our sole judgment, continuedparticipation would significantly hinder the services to be provided to allguests. Expenses, including cancellation fees and/or costs for alternate travelplans or to return home, will necessarily be borne by the passenger. Escortedtours are fast-paced, often requiring lengthy walks over uneven terrain. In theinterests of group harmony, clients should be able to maintain the pace of thetour. Clients with special needs may be better served independently.  DALATOUR can suggest touring options basedupon specific requirements.

Wheelchairs &Walkers:

USA Tours: Pursuant to the Americans withDisabilities Act (the ADA), DALATOUR seeks to accommodate disabled travelers tothe extent possible and consistent with the specific tour itinerary.Nevertheless, you may find that certain tour features may not be accessible tothe extent that you require a wheelchair, scooter, or other special equipmentto participate. We cannot provide individual assistance to travelers withwheelchairs or other mobility devices. We regret that some itineraries cannotaccommodate wheelchairs or motorized scooters. Passengers are required toadvise DALATOUR of their accessibility requirements prior to booking in orderfor DALATOUR to determine if reasonable accommodations are available. DALATOURwill endeavor to accommodate special access needs, but does not guarantee thatit will be able to do so in all cases.

InternationalTours: Hotels, seaand river cruises outside of the United States are not required to comply withADA requirements and therefore may not have ramps, wide entryways or elevatorsto accommodate disabled passengers or devices such as wheelchairs, walkers andmotorized scooters. Due to physical constraints and space limitations,wheelchairs, walkers and motorized scooters may not be taken aboard motorcoaches and river cruises.

Service Animals: Service animals cannot beaccommodated on international escorted tours. Passengers on USA escorted tourswho require a service dog because of a disability should check with DALATOURprior to booking a tour.

Airline Booking: DALATOUR offers a choice of airlines and airfares for yourconvenience, but is not responsible for the services and policies imposed bythe airline selected. Airline schedules and flights are subject to changewithout notice. DALATOUR is not responsible for penalties incurred for tickets,international or domestic, not issued by DALATOUR due to schedule and/or flightchanges. Airline reservations completed online are subject to review and,should DALATOUR deem it necessary, may be rebooked to match minimum connectingtime requirements and/or tour package itineraries, in which case you will benotified immediately.

Airline Contact Information: Pursuant to TSA Secure Flight requirements,passengers are responsible to provide DALATOUR with their name as it appears ontheir passport (or other government-issued I.D. when traveling), date of birth,gender, address, phone number, email and fax data for all passengers.Passengers must ensure that names are correctly listed on their invoice. DALATOURwill not be responsible for passengers who do not receive an invoice ordocuments or are denied boarding due to inaccurate information.

Airline Name Changes: Any name change including minor spelling corrections mayrequire airline reservations to be canceled and rebooked. Reservations aresubject to current availability and pricing at the time of rebooking. Onceairline tickets are issued, subsequent name corrections will be subject to anairline rebooking fee which may be as much as the full value of the airlineticket plus a $50 revision fee per change. DALATOUR will not be heldresponsible for the denial of services by a carrier due to any namediscrepancy. Ones the airline ticket are reserve and ticketed it depends on theAirlines Rules to make a name change. must be advised in writing to res@dalatour.com

Airline Taxes & Surcharges: If you purchased airfare,airline taxes and surcharges are included. Prior to completion of full paymentthere is a potential for a price increase(s) due to increases ingovernment-levied taxes and fees and/or increased surcharges. To avoidpotential increases, you may choose to accelerate your final payment in orderthat your tickets may be issued. Once issued, airline tickets are no longersubject to potential increases but are fully non-refundable. Certain overseasdomestic flights are subject to air taxes which can only be paid locally; inthese cases, the specific flights and amounts of those taxes are indicated inour package presentation and pre-departure documentation.

Airline Tickets: Once full payment is received, DALATOUR tickets will beissued and are fully non-refundable. Should airline tickets require to beissued earlier than the Final Payment Due date, you may be required to pay alarger non-refundable deposit and/or complete full payment. Once issued, somePublished Instant Purchase Airfare tickets may be changed prior to thedeparture date and the airfare applied toward travel within 12 months of theoriginal date of issue for a fee of $200 or more plus any difference inairfare; however, some tickets are non-changeable; specific fees and policiesmay vary by airline. Please note that some airlines do not accept all majorcredit cards for payment of Published Instant Purchase Airfare.

Airline Seat Assignments: As a courtesy service, airline seat assignments arerequested on your behalf and are displayed in order of Passenger #1, #2 and soon. Assignments reflect the best available seats at the time of booking. Someairlines and/or fare types do not allow for pre-seating and require this bedone at airport check-in only; in this case, the display shows “N/A”.Seats are subject to change by your airline(s) including, for example, whenthere is a schedule change or equipment change after your initial booking; thismay cause seat assignments to be changed or even cancelled. In the event thatyou change seat assignments directly with your airline, changes will not bereflected on this display. At the time that DALATOUR documents are issued, thecurrently assigned seats will be listed based on the assignments stored in yourairline reservation at that time.

Airline FrequentFlier Programs: Passengers are responsible to contact their airlinedirectly regarding mileage eligibility and accrual. Airline frequent flier programsdetermine whether to award miles in part or total based on their own ruleswhich are updated frequently. Some discounted or promotional airfares as wellas some code-share flights are not eligible for mileage accrual. Some privateairfares, are not eligible for mileage or may qualify for reduced mileage, evenif the same airline class of service is eligible for full mileage when sold asan “Instant Purchase” published airfare. Not all published airfaresare eligible for mileage. DALATOUR will record frequent flier numbers whenprovided by the passenger prior to travel documents being issued. However, theaddition of frequent flier numbers to airline records does not guaranteemileage eligibility which is at the sole discretion of each airline. Airline schedulechanges may result in flights which were originally eligible for mileageaccrual no longer being eligible. We highly recommend passengers to providetheir frequent flier account information whenever checking in online and/or atthe airport check-in desk. After travel has commenced, it is often not possibleto apply for frequent mileage credit. Passengers are also responsible todetermine whether previously earned mileage may be applied to flights to secureupgrades.

Airline Schedule Changes: In the event of an airline schedule change, DALATOURwill make every effort to inform passengers of the schedule change and newflight schedule prior to departure. DALATOUR is not responsible for schedulechanges including, when applicable, changes in routing and/or the number ofstops in the itinerary. DALATOUR is unable to provide compensation for schedulechanges, seat assignment modifications, or cancellations implemented by anairline. In the event of any change in flight itinerary made directly betweenpassengers and their airline, it is the passenger’s responsibility to advise DALATOURof amended flight details in writing to DALATOUR cannot be held responsible forland services, including arrival and/or departure transfers, if flights arechanged without its knowledge.

Airline Baggage: Checked bags are typically limited to a total dimension of62 inches by adding length + width + height (example:26″+26″+10″ = 62), and a maximum weight of 50 lbs (23kg). SmartBags with a USB charging port, GPS tracking device and other high-tech featuresare prohibited as checked or carry-on baggage unless the bag is made withremovable batteries and the batteries are removed and stored separately. Forspecific requirements of your airline and for a complete list of fees, manyairlines apply charges for checked bags including flights which begin and endwithin the USA. DALATOUR avoids the most inexpensive airfare options commonlyknown as Basic Economy airfares which typically do not include any checked bagsnor seat assignments before the day of departure. However, for some airlines,other airfare categories also do not include checked baggage. This will beclearly displayed in our airfare selection and on your invoice. Whereavailable, we highly recommend selecting airfares which include at least 1piece of checked baggage. DALATOUR is not responsible for checked bag fees,excess luggage or weight charges levied by an airline. Checked baggageallowances displayed on reservation details and invoices reflect the applicableallowance at the time of booking but are subject to change by your airline(s).If your luggage is lost or damaged by the airlines, a baggage claim form MUSTbe filed with the carrier before leaving the airport.

Hotel Accommodations: All rooms are standard twin-bedded (two single beds) roomswith private facilities, unless you have specifically requested and paid for anupgraded room category. Room selection in all cases, unless otherwise reserved,is strictly at the discretion of the hotel’s management on a run-of-housebasis. Special requests such as bed types, smoking preference and connectingrooms are subject to availability. Triple rooms consist of standard twin bedsor one double bed plus a sofa/folding bed or cot for third person except in theU.S. Mexico, Caribbean and Latin America where triple and quadruple rooms oftenconsist of two double/queen beds for three persons; a fee may be charged by thehotel for the addition of a cot/rollaway. Some single rooms are smaller than astandard room size. The number of persons accommodated does not dictate theroom size. Although available at most 4 and 5 star hotels. All hotel rates arebased on DALATOUR agreements with its suppliers and are not negotiable. Hotelcheck-in time is generally not before 4:00 p.m. and check-out time is prior tonoon. Please be sure that adequate arrangements for accommodations have beentaken into consideration when a late night flight is being used. If a day roomis included in the itinerary, check-out will normally be 6:00 p.m. We reservethe right to make substitutions with hotels of equal standard. There will be norefunds for any difference in the cost of those accommodations.

Meals: As specified in each itinerary. Meals are based on thehotel’s or restaurant’s buffet or set menu. In general, beverages are notincluded, unless specifically stated as All Inclusive. Those hotels are locatedin the Caribbean and Mexico.

DALATOUR cannot make guarantees, for special dietary requests.

Transfers: Transfers are provided as indicated for each tour by car,minibus, or motor coach provided airfare is purchased from DALATOUR. If youpurchase a land-only tour, or if you deviate from the arrival and/or departuredates as stated in the itinerary, you will have the option to add transferservices to your reservation. Your arrival transfer is guaranteed for up to onehour from your scheduled arrival time in order to compensate for minor delays DALATOURor the transfer company will not be responsible for flight delays, for anyreason, beyond one hour from your originally scheduled arrival time. In case ofa delay, whether due to flight delay, immigration and customs, or time spentreporting baggage damage or loss, it will be your responsibility to make othertransfer arrangements such as a taxi. Transfer costs are not refundable and anyadditional expenses will be your responsibility. The cost of a transfer is moreexpensive than hiring a taxi, as a DALATOUR transfer necessarily includes roundtrip service, or ‘dead-leg’, meaning that our driver must come to the airport,hotel or pier only to pick you up and necessarily loses a one-way fare. Oftenthe places of call (airports, seaports, hotels) demand entrance and parkingfees, where drivers may have to wait for up to an hour. DALATOUR transferdrivers, while not employees of DALATOUR, are reliable and work year-round for DALATOURclients. They provide you with a full welcome service, transfer you to the correctlocation and are prepared to answer your questions along your ride. Passengerscomfortable hiring a taxi on their own and do not require assistance will savemoney.

Sightseeing & Itinerary: Escorted tours are conducted in English and some inSpanish and are operated by motor-vehicle, its size dictated by the number ofparticipants. DALATOUR have been designed to accommodate individuals as well asgroups. The number of participants may vary during the tour, as DALATOUR accommodatestravelers arriving on different airlines and on different days of the week.Times listed in itineraries are approximate and meant only as guidelines. Someitineraries may have early morning start times for sightseeing in order tocomplete the touring during daylight hours or avoid afternoon heat in tropicaland desert climates. It is your responsibility to arrive on time for allscheduled flights, cruises, and package components. Arriving late may beconsidered a “no-show”, in which case you will not be eligible forrefund for the unused service(s). We cannot guarantee the number of passengerswho will be on any given tour. You may find that you are traveling with asizeable group or only with your own companions. Services, however, will remainconstant no matter the number of tour participants. On dates including, but notlimited to religious holidays and national celebrations, some monuments andsites may be closed. On these occasions, touring itineraries may be amended toreflect these closures. Occasionally, during holidays and certain periods,and/or due to unforeseen circumstances including weather conditions there maybe last-minute changes, sometimes after arrival, affecting the sequence of thetour, locations visited and/or hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to adjustthe sequence and/or substitute any hotels with others of similar category. Insuch cases there will be no cost adjustment. National monuments and touristsites regularly undergo renovations, which can obscure the monument’s view. Notour will be canceled due to renovations; however, DALATOUR will decide basedon the conditions whether to amend an itinerary. DALATOUR itineraries maycontain suggestions for activities for your leisure time; these suggestions donot constitute an endorsement of any specific service provider and the decisionto participate in any such activities should be made independently and with dueconsideration.

Coach & Seat Rotation: DALATOUR imposes mandatory coach seat rotation withno exception. Seat assignments are dictated by the Tour Manager. Depending onavailability, single passengers may be seated next to another traveler. Somebuses are equipped with toilet facility, however they are strictly intended foremergency use only and often require the vehicle to stop for safety reasonsbefore use.

Rail: Once full payment is received, DALATOUR will select traintimes, rail tickets will be issued and are fully non-refundable. Except whererequested in writing prior to final payment, rail tickets will typically bereserved for departures between 9 am and 12 noon, subject to availability. Forpassengers traveling independently, requests for alternative times will beconsidered but are strictly subject to availability. Passengers traveling witha group may not request alternative train times. Once issued, rail tickets arevalid for the dates and times specified. Some exchanges must be done locally atthe station due to fare restrictions. Changes may be subject to local charges,fees, and fare increases. Once the booked train has departed, changes are nolonger possible nor can amendments be completed on board the train. DALATOURdoes not control seat assignments which are entirely at the discretion of therail companies. Once rail tickets are issued they are fully non-refundable andnon-changeable.

Car Rentals: DALATOUR is not responsible for the services and policiesimposed by car rental companies. It is important to review the details of yourrental agreement provided locally. Car rental companies typically requiredrivers to provide a valid license, major credit card and meet a minimum agerequirement. Additional fees may apply for changes in rental length, drop offlocation, additional drivers and optional additional insurance coverages.Passengers are responsible to become familiar with local traffic laws and roadsigns. DALATOUR is not responsible for any expenses, fines or administrativefees for traffic violations, damage to the vehicle, theft of items inside thevehicle or of the vehicle itself.

Optional Sightseeing Tours: A limited selection of optional sightseeing tours isavailable for purchase at any time until one week prior to departure. Thoseassociated with escorted and guided programs will be available for purchaselocally based upon availability. Some optional tours require a minimum numberof participants and may not be operated; in such cases, the tour company willattempt to notify you locally, and you will receive a full refund upon yourreturn home. Optional tours may be conducted in more than one language.Optional tours are subject to standard cancellation terms including being fullynon-refundable once a trip has commenced.

Non-Operation of Escorted Tour: Escorted tour packages arebased upon a minimum number of participants. Cancellation of any tour for lackof participation or for any reason beyond our control will be advised at least45 days prior to the tour’s departure, and all money will be refunded. DALATOURwill not be held responsible for any costs relating to the issuance and/orcancellation of airline tickets or visa fees. Voluntary cancellations due topolitical instability, acts of terrorism, government intervention or US StateDepartment warning will be subject to the above fees, provided the program isdeemed by DALATOUR able to continue.

Group Harmony: To ensure the desired group synergy, DALATOUR reserves theright to accept, reject or expel any individual who is deemed disruptive orincompatible with the interests of the group, including, but not limited to,individuals who are intoxicated and/or under the influence of drugs leading toa negative experience for the remainder of the group. Expenses, includingcancellation fees and/or costs for alternate travel plans or to return home,will necessarily be borne by the passenger. All unused services arenon-refundable.

HealthRequirements: Check with your healthcare provider for up-to-daterequirements. You may also check the Centers for Disease Control (www.cdc.gov) and/or the World HealthOrganization (http://www.who.int/en/) for their recommendations.Required inoculations, if any, must be recorded by clients’ health practitioneron a valid vaccination certificate which the client must carry for proof ofinoculation where required. Individuals with heart disease, chronic illness,physical handicap, advanced pregnancy, or mental illness should not participatein these rigorous travel programs. Any person who arrives to the destinationill with apparent fever or becomes ill during the tour, will be removed fromthe group and directed to a local medical facility for diagnosis. Only uponclearance by an accredited medical facility will that individual be allowed toresume group travel. All costs associated with medical treatment and relatedexpenses such as additional hotel nights or transportation not included in theoriginal itinerary, will necessarily be borne by the passenger. Travelprotection plans will only consider coverage with documentation and receiptsfor services provided by legally qualified health-care facilities, and inaccordance with policy terms.

Please note thatsome countries may require aircraft cabin insecticide treatment for in-boundforeign flights. A list of such countries is available at:


Travel Safety Advice: We strongly recommend that tour participants review thedestination country’s specific information at https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/alertswarnings.html.

Luggage (Airlines): Checked bags are typically limitedto a total dimension of 62 inches by adding length + width + height (example:26″+26″+10″ = 62), and a maximum weight of 50 lbs (23kg). SmartBags with a USB charging port, GPS tracking device and other high-tech featuresare prohibited as checked or carry-on baggage unless the bag is made withremovable batteries and the batteries are removed and stored separately. Manyairlines apply charges for checked bags including flights which begin and endwithin the USA.

DALATOUR avoidsthe most inexpensive airfare options commonly known as Basic Economy airfareswhich typically do not include any checked bags nor seat assignments before theday of departure. However, for some airlines, other airfare categories also donot include checked baggage. This will be clearly displayed in our airfareselection and on your invoice. Where available, we highly recommend selectingairfares which include at least 1 piece of checked baggage. Checked baggageallowances displayed on reservation details and invoices reflect the applicableallowance at the time of booking but are subject to change by your airline(s). DALATOURis not responsible for checked bag fees, excess luggage or weight chargeslevied by an airline. Nor will DALATOUR be responsible for luggage that is lostor damaged by the airline. If your luggage is lost or damaged by the airlines,a baggage claim form must be filed with the carrier before leaving the airport.We recommend that you use brightly colored luggage tags, straps or otheridentifiers to help you locate your luggage upon arrival or to describe it inthe event that it is lost.

Luggage (Escorted Tours): All DALATOUR escorted tour buses allowone piece of luggage per person, plus carry-on bag. Additional baggage will besubject to a handling charge of $100 per piece. As DALATOUR will not beresponsible for loss or damage to luggage and personal belongings, you mustreport any loss or damage immediately at the time of the incident and obtain awritten report from the local authority for submission to your insuranceprovider. Airline luggage allowances may differ and be subject to fees; forspecific requirements and a complete list of fees, please visit theairline web site.

Tipping: Complete tipping guidelines are provided with final traveldocuments and on each program’s website presentation, Trip Preparation/At YourDestination section.

CUSTOMER SERVICE: All customer service issues must be submitted in writing.Please notify us within 30 days following your return. For claimsaccommodations. Airline flight cancellations and delays for any reason are notthe responsibility of DALATOUR. Submit your claim directly to the airline. DALATOURdoes not guarantee airline response. Complaints regarding a hotel’s standardsor amenities should be addressed directly with the hotel’s management. Refundsare not normally considered by hotels if they were not given an opportunity toaddress those complaints locally. Processing of claims will take up to eightweeks from the date DALATOUR receives relevant documents. Refunds are processedto the credit card(s) originally used for payment, up to the total amount paid,with any remaining balance paid by US Dollar check. These terms may not bechanged by anyone other than an authorized representative of DALATOUR and mustbe documented in writing. DALATOUR is not obliged to guarantee promises(written or verbal) made by local hotel staff, tour guides, or any otherpersons not under direct employ of DALATOUR.

PASSENGER AGREEMENT: All passengers are required to complete a PassengerAgreement prior to travel and, by so doing, formally accept DALATOURs Terms& Conditions, Release from Liability, Assumption of Risk and BindingArbitration Agreement. Passengers booking online will be required to completethe Passenger Agreement at the time of booking. Passengers booking viatelephone will be provided a verbal review of the Passenger Agreement whichwill be delivered via email shortly after the time of booking. Customers whoare unable to receive and complete their Passenger Agreement via email mayrequest the Agreement be provided via fax or mail. Travel documents will not bereleased without a completed Passenger Agreement. DALATOUR reserves the rightto cancel bookings and return deposits without a completed Passenger Agreement.

RELEASE FROM LIABILITY: DALATOUR., its shareholders, directors, officers, employeesand affiliates, (collectively ” DALATOUR “) does not own or operateany entity which is to or does provide goods or services for your tripincluding, for example, ownership or control over hotels or other lodgingfacilities, airline, vessel, bus, van or other transportation companies, localground operators, providers or organizers of optional excursions or equipmentused thereon, food service or entertainment providers, etc. All such personsand entities are independent contractors. Independent contractors may utilizethe DALATOUR logo on signage or uniforms solely for identification purposeswhich does not signify DALATOUR ownership, management or control. As a result, DALATOURis not liable for any negligent or willful act or failure to act of any suchperson or entity, or of any other third party. Without limitation, DALATOUR isnot responsible for any injury, loss, or damage to person or property, death,delay or inconvenience in connection with the provision of any goods orservices occasioned by or resulting from, but not limited to, acts of God, actsof government, force majeure, acts of war or civil unrest, insurrection orrevolt, strikes or other labor activities, criminal or terrorist activities ofany kind, or the threat thereof, overbooking or downgrading of accommodations,structural or other defective conditions in hotels or other lodging facilities,mechanical or other failure of airplanes or other means of transportation orfor any failure of any transportation mechanism to arrive or depart timely orsafely, diseases and dangers associated with or bites from animals, pests orinsects, marine life or vegetation of any sort, dangers incident torecreational activities such as swimming, kayaking, sailing, canoeing, rafting,hiking, walking, bicycling, etc., sanitation problems, food poisoning, lack ofaccess to or quality of medical care, difficulty in evacuation in case of amedical or other emergency, illness, epidemics or the threat thereof or for anyother cause beyond the direct control of DALATOUR. In addition, I release DALATOURfrom its own negligence and assume all risk thereof.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I am aware that travel such as that I am undertakinginvolves hazardous activities, with a risk of illness, injury or death whichmay be caused by forces of nature, animals, insects or flora, the negligence ofDALATOUR, or other persons and companies known or unknown, or of willful orcriminal conduct of third parties. I am aware that weather conditions may besevere, adverse and/or unpleasant. I am also aware that medical services orfacilities may not be readily available or accessible during some or all of thetime during which I am participating on the trip. In order to partake of theenjoyment and excitement of this trip I am willing to accept the risks anduncertainty involved as being an integral part of my adventure. I hereby acceptand assume full responsibility for any and all risks of illness, injury ordeath and of the negligence of DALATOUR and agree to hold harmless and release DALATOURfrom claims of third party negligence.

I understand thephysical requirements of the activity in which I will be participating, and Icurrently have no known physical, medical or mental condition which wouldimpair my ability to participate in this tour or my safety in this activity,and I am willing to assume all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly,by any such condition. I hereby authorize DALATOUR or my local ground handleror others to arrange for any emergency medical treatment and hospitalization asmay be necessary for me because of participation in this activity without myfurther consent.

BINDING ARBITRATION: I agree that any dispute concerning, relating or referringto this Agreement, the brochure or any other literature concerning my trip, orthe trip itself, shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration pursuantto the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§1-16, pursuant to the ComprehensiveArbitration Rules & Procedures of the Judicial Arbitration and MediationServices, Inc. (JAMS). Such proceedings will be governed by substantive (butnot procedural) Florida law and will take place in Miami, FL. The arbitratorand not any federal, state, or local court or agency shall have exclusiveauthority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability,enforceability, conceivability, or formation of this contract, including butnot limited to any claim that all or any part of this contract is void orvoidable. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you (and we) are waivingour right to a trial by jury.

VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION: I acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied toparticipate on the trip designated on this application (or a trip which I maychange to) and that I have read the description of the trip as it appears inthe current DALATOUR catalog and supplements or brochures or website relatingto the trip, together with all information contained in this application. I amvoluntarily participating in this trip with knowledge of the hazards involved.

KNOWING AND VOLUNTARY EXECUTION: I have carefully read theseTerms and Conditions and the booking information sections of this document, andfully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liabilityand a contract between myself and DALATOUR and agree of my own free will. Bychecking the Passenger Agreement box, I agree to these Travel Terms &Conditions and DALATOURs Release from Liability, Assumption of Risk andBinding Arbitration Clause for myself, each member of my traveling party andany minor children accompanying me.

PHOTOGRAPHIC RELEASE: DALATOUR may take photographs or video of its trips andtrip participants grant DALATOUR permission to do so and for it to use same forpromotional or commercial use without payment of any compensation toparticipant.

CUSTOM GROUPS: These Terms & Conditions apply except where modifiedin the Group Proposal and/or Group Confirmation


Agreement betweenCustomer and DALATOUR: www.dalatour.com is offered to you, the customer,conditioned on your acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions,and notices contained herein. Your use of www.dalatour.com constitutes your agreement to allsuch terms, conditions, and notices.

LiabilityDisclaimer: The information, products, and services published on this website may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodicallymade to the information which appears here. The content of this site is notguaranteed to be complete, accurate, or available and may be changed at anytime without notice. DALATOUR may make improvements or changes on this web siteat any time. In no event shall DALATOUR liable for any direct, indirect,punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of, or inany way connected with, the use of this web site, or for any information,products, and services obtained through this web site, or otherwise arising outof the use of this web site.

Links to Other WebSites: www.dalatour.commay contain hyperlinks to web sites operated by parties other than DALATOUR.Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference only. DALATOUR does not controlsuch Web sites and is not responsible for their contents.

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