Passport & Visas

IMPORTANT: You are responsible forobtaining the proper travel documents for the destinations on your itinerary.

Passports: Your U.S. passport should bevalid at least 6 months or longer beyond the dates of travel. Passport applicationsare available at most U.S. Post Offices, as well as at regional PassportAgencies. To learn how to apply for a U.S. Passport including expeditedservices, click here. Passengers requiring visas, whether obtained in advance orlocally upon arrival, should ensure that their passport has unstamped visapages.

Visas: If a visa is required andcannot be obtained upon arrival in your destination, you should makearrangements with the appropriate foreign consular representative, allowingenough time for mailing and processing. Alternatively, you may obtain a visathrough a fee-based service such as GEN VISA. Please note that GEN VISA isunable to assist passengers who choose to apply for their visas directly.

Double Entry/Multiple Entry Visas: If your itinerary involves entering a country, leaving andthen later re-entering the same country, you may require a double-entry ormultiple entry visa. Be sure to describe your itinerary clearly when contactinga foreign consular representative.

Entry Requirementsfor U.S. Passport Holders: Country details below are based on information obtainedfrom the U.S. State Department. This information is subject to change. To checkfor updates, please check with the consular office of the countries to bevisited and/or click here.

Non U.S. Citizens: All information provided belowpertains to U.S. passport holders only. Non-U.S. Citizens should checkwith the appropriate foreign consular representative.

Sea CruisePassengers: Passengerson sea cruises should check carefully the requirements for each country to bevisited on their sailing itinerary. Passengers without the correctdocumentation may be denied boarding at time of embarkation. Passengers maycontact their sea cruise line directly for information but remain responsibleto obtain any necessary visas.

Internationalentry & Visa Requirements for U.S. Passport Holders

Countries listed below requirespecific visa and/or other entry documentation in addition to a U.S. passport.All other countries (not listed) require only valid U.S. passports.

ARGENTINA – Payment of the reciprocity feeis no longer required for US passport holders. All other citizens, should checkwith the appropriate Argentinian consulate for current fee information.

AUSTRALIA – Electronic Travel Authority(ETA) visa is required. See for more information. Please click on the “Applyfor ETA” button in the top left hand corner to fill in the on-lineapplication form for an ETA visa. Additional information regarding this visacan be found at the various links directly below the “Apply for ETA”and “Check your ETA” buttons.

BAHAMAS -If you aredeparting or returning to the U.S. by air from any international destination apassport is required by all travelers regardless of age. Canadians must presenta passport to visit The Bahamas, which must be valid for at least three monthsbeyond the date of expected departure from that country. Permanent residents ofCanada must travel with their Permanent Resident Card and a valid passport fromtheir country of origin. Citizens from countries other than the U.S. and Canadaare required to present a valid passport which must be current up to yourtravel period and some countries are also required to have a Bahamas visa. In some cases, a Visa may be required for entry to TheBahamas. Please review the details on our Non-USCitizens/Visa Requirements page for more information.                                                                                          

BHUTAN – A visa is required for entryinto Bhutan and is obtained on your behalf by DALATOUR . In this case only, theincluded visa service applies to all nationalities. Passport must be valid forsix months beyond travel dates.

BRAZIL -Visa required. An e-visa may be obtained in advance at E-Visas will be processed within five business days ofapplication, are valid for 2 years, and cost $40 plus a small service fee. (VFSGlobal is the exclusive service provider for the Government ofBrazil). For all other questions, contact the Brazilian Embassy at 3006Whitehaven Street, NW Washington DC 20008-3634. Phone (202) 238-2700. There arealso Brazilian Consulates General in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Hartford,Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, and San Francisco. Alternatively, youmay obtain a visa through a fee-based service such as GEN VISA. Please notethat GEN VISA is unable to assist passengers who choose to apply for theirvisas directly.

CAMBODIA – Visa required. US citizens may obtain a Cambodianvisa for $35 upon arrival at the airports in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and at allmajor border crossings. One passport-sized photograph is required. E-Visas mayalso be obtained in advance online at least 3 business days prior to travelat for $37 and are only valid for entry by air. Pleasenote E-Visas are not accepted when entering by cruise into Cambodia. Visas mustbe purchased locally in cash on board the ship and a passport size photographis required. For more information, visit or contact the Embassy of Cambodia, 4530 16th Street,NW, Washington, DC 20011; Telephone: 202-726-7742 or 202-997-7031

CHINA -Visa required. U.S. passport holders are required to provide documentation tosupport their visa application which includes (1) full passport name; (2) hotelnames, addresses and phone numbers; and (3) confirmed airline reservations withticket numbers. This information will be provided to you in writing by DALATOURupon receipt of your full payment and once airline tickets have been issued. Tolearn how to obtain a visa from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China(PRC), visit for more information. There are also Chinese ConsulatesGeneral in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco. Two daysfollowing your initial booking and deposit, you will receive completeinformation via email about obtaining a visa to China. For customers connectingin Beijing and staying for only 2 nights, you may be eligible for the newlyintroduced 72-hour Transit Without Visa (TWOV) program. Special note forcustomers by visiting TIBET – A group permit is required for travel to Tibet andwill be obtained for you upon final payment. DALATOUR will request a scannedcopy of your passport and China visa 30 days before departure from the US. Thecost of this permit is included in the package price. At this time, DALATOUR isonly able to obtain a Tibet visa for U.S. passport holders. For all passengerstraveling to Tibet, when applying for your Chinese Visa, in Section 2, of theapplication, Your Visit to China – 2.5 Please list Counties/Cities andProvinces to visit in China in a time sequence, it is only necessary toinclude: Shanghai, Xian and Beijing. Alternatively, you may obtain a visathrough a fee-based service such as GEN VISA. Please note that GEN VISA isunable to assist passengers who choose to apply for their visas directly.

COSTA RICA – US citizens do not need a visa to visit Costa Rica.Proof of Yellow Fever Vaccine is currently required only for passengersarriving from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru andVenezuela including passengers who connect via these countries with a stay ofmore than 12 hours.

ECUADOR and GALAPAGOS – US citizens do not need a visa to visit Ecuador andGalapagos. Proof of Yellow Fever Vaccine is currently required only for passengersarriving from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Peru and Venezuelaincluding passengers who connect via these countries with a stay of more than12 hours. Starting May 1st, 2018, tourists traveling to Ecuador are required tohave health insurance. A health insurance card will generally be accepted asproof of insurance to enter the country.

EGYPT -Visa required. Single-entry visas valid for 30 days may be purchased uponarrival. Cost is $25 and payable only in cash. Exact change required. No creditcards accepted. Upon arrival, proceed to one of the bank kiosks in theImmigration hall to obtain a self-adhesive visa sticker. Apply the sticker to ablank page of your passport and proceed to the immigration desks. To avoid anypossible lines at the kiosk, you may also obtain a visa sticker direct from theground operator meeting your flight holding a DALATOUR sign for a service feeof $2 per person plus cost of the visa. Exact change required. No credit cardsaccepted. Alternatively, prior to your arrival in Egypt you may apply for ane-visa at or use a fee-based service such as GEN VISA.

GUATEMALA – US citizens do not need a visa to visit Guatemala.Proof of Yellow Fever Vaccine is currently required only for passengersarriving from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru andVenezuela including passengers who connect via these countries with a stay ofmore than 12 hours.

INDONESIA – Visa required. US citizens are eligible for visaexemption for visits up to 30 days. In order to be granted this visa exemptionyou must present your return ticket at immigration and have not been previouslyrefused entry. For those needing to extend their stay past 30 days, visas maybe purchased at airports in Jakarta, Surakarta and Bali upon arrival for $35.For additional visa information please visit

JORDAN -In most cases, Jordan visas are arranged for you by DALATOUR based on thefollowing situations:

1. Passengers with overnights in Jordan(includes Jordan tours, as well as Israel & Jordan combination tours): DALATOUR will arrange your visa free of charge.In this case only, the free visa service applies to all nationalities. We willrequest your passport information which is needed at least 21 days prior todeparture. Upon arrival in Jordan, either at Amman Airport or at one of theland border crossings between Israel and Jordan, before you reach passportcontrol, a local DALATOUR representative will provide you with a one-pageletter (Visa Manifest) which you should keep until you depart from Jordan. TheVisa Manifest will include your full passport information and details of yourtour program and should be presented upon entry to Jordan. It will be requiredagain upon departure from Jordan. Note: In case the manifest is lost (or in theunlikely event you change your schedule), a $60 visa fee will apply upon departure.               

2.Passengers with a 1-day tour to Petra: DALATOUR will obtain a visalocally for approximately $60 as long as your passport information is providedto the Israel Tour Manager at least 48 hours in advance. This is in addition tothe border taxes & fees.

3. Other passengers: This applies in only a few exceptional cases.Please check with DALATOUR before obtaining your visa in advance. A singleentry visa costs approximately $60 and can be obtained in advance or on arrivalat certain entry points. Please contact the Jordanian Embassy for moreinformation: Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 3504 International Drive,N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008; Telephone: 202-966-2664.

KENYA -Visa required. The current fee for a single entry visa is $51 and must beobtained in advance. Passengers continuing onto Tanzania, and connecting inNairobi, Kenya for their final departure flight to the US do not require atransit or multiple entry visa. A single entry visa is valid for connectingflights. Passengers traveling to Kenya will need to provide a reference,including name, address, and phone number, for their Kenyan Visa. Passengers continuing onto Tanzania from Kenya must carry proof of yellow fevervaccination. To apply directly for a Single Entry visa, go to and followthe instructions. You will await approval via email (approx. 2 days), thendownload and print the eVisa to be presented upon entry to Kenya. The eVisa isvalid for 3 months before travel. Contact the Kenyan Embassy at 2247 R-StreetN.W., Washington, D.C. 20008; Telephone: 202-387-6101; Website: Alternatively, you may obtain a visa through a fee-basedservice such as GEN VISA. Please note that GEN VISA is unable to assistpassengers who choose to apply for their visas directly.

LAOS -Visa required. Tourists may obtain a visa for $35 upon arrival at the airportsin Vientiane and Luang Prabang, and at major border crossings. Twopassport-sized photographs are required.

NEPAL -Visa required. Tourists may obtain a visa for $25 for a 15-day stay, or $40 fora 30-day stay, payable in cash upon arrival at the airport in Kathmandu.Passengers requiring a multiple entry visa will need to pay an additional $20to validate their visa for multiple entries. Passengers should bring twopassport sized photographs for the visa. Prior to departure from Kathmanduairport, there is an airport tax of approx. $17 for passengers traveling toIndia. Passengers returning to India for the second time in the same trip willrequire a multiple entry visa for India. To avoid the possibility of standingin a long line, you may choose to secure your Nepal visa prior to departure.For information, you may contact the Royal Nepalese Embassy at 2131 LeroyPlace, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008, telephone 202-667-4550 or visit nepalembassyusa.orgor contact the Consulate General in New York at 212-370-3988.

NICARAGUA – US citizens do not need a visa to visit Nicaragua.Proof of Yellow Fever Vaccine is currently required only for passengersarriving from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru andVenezuela including passengers who connect via these countries with a stay ofmore than 12 hours.

OMAN -Visa required. DALATOUR strongly recommends guests obtain an e-visa in advanceas the government plans to discontinue issuing visas upon arrival at anunannounced future date. To apply go to You will need to upload a digital passport photo and a copyof your passport to your application. A single-entry tourist visa costs 20 OMR(approximately US$50). Guests will also be required to pay a 35 AED departurefee (approximately $10 payable locally by credit card or cash in AED currency)during the land crossing from Dubai to Oman.

PANAMA -US citizens do not need a visa to visit Panama. Proof of Yellow Fever Vaccineis currently required only for passengers arriving from Argentina, Bolivia,Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela including passengers who connectvia these countries with a stay of more than 12 hours.

RUSSIA -Visa required. The visa application process requires an application form, onepassport-sized photo, your trip confirmation from DALATOUR, a Visa SupportLetter (VSL) also provided by DALATOUR, and a processing fee. Two daysfollowing your initial booking and deposit, you will receive completeinformation via email about obtaining a Visa Support Letter (VSL) and a visa toRussia, and then again at 120 days prior to departure. If a revision isrequired after the VSL has been issued, there is a $50 per person Russia VisaSupport Letter change fee that will be applied. Visas services for the Embassyof the Russian Federation are managed by Invisa Logistics Services at theirVisa Center, 1680 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.Tel. (202) 827-0895;Fax (202) 827-0896. All applicants must first complete an online VisaApplication Form at and then either appear in person at the Visa Center($33 fee in addition to the Consular visa fees) or submit their application viaa visa service. Details at (Note although the Russian embassy recommendsmultiple-entry visas for US citizens, it is not necessary. A single-entry visais sufficient for itineraries with one entrance into the Russian Federation).Cruise Lines passengers do not need a visa if arranging shore excursions or carservice directly with the cruise line, otherwise regular visa rules aboveapply. Alternatively, you may obtain a visa through a fee-based service such asGEN VISA. Please note that GEN VISA is unable to assist passengers who chooseto apply for their visas directly.

SLOVAKIA – Proof of sufficient health insurance coverage andfunds (generally in the amount of $50 per person per day) are required uponentry.

SOUTH AFRICA – Passengers are required to have at least two,entirely blank (unstamped) visa pages (i.e. one side of such a page not frontand back thereof) in their passport, each time entry is sought into South Africa.This includes re-entry from Swatini. Therefore, passengers continuing on toZimbabwe and/or Botswana are required to have four blank visa pages. Thesepages are in addition to the endorsement/amendment pages at the back of thepassport. South African government regulations prohibit airlines from boardingpassengers without the required blank visa page. Children 17 & under willbe required to present an unabridged full birth certificate. Extracts or copiesare not acceptable. If both parents are not traveling with the child,additional documentation is required. For more information regarding children’sentry requirements please visit the South African consulate website: and

SRI LANKA – Visa Required. Passengers may obtain ElectronicTravel Authorization prior to arrival. This can be obtained by visiting and paying a $35 fee. A visa may be obtained uponarrival for $40, however wait times for processing can be lengthy. It is highlyrecommended to obtain an ETA prior to departure to expedite your entry.

TANZANIA – Visa required and all passport holders should havefour entirely blank (unstamped) visa pages in their passport. Visas areavailable for purchase at the Kilimanjaro Airport, however we strongly suggestit is obtained in advance to avoid long delays and ensure entry. Visas uponarrival are not guaranteed. The current fee for a visa is $100. Passengerspurchasing a visa at the airport must be prepared to pay in USD (cash).Passengers traveling to Tanzania will need to provide a reference, includingname, address, and phone number, for their Tanzanian visa. To pre-purchasea visa, contact the Embassy of Tanzania, 1232 22nd Street NW, Washington, DC20037, telephone (202) 884-1080. Alternatively, you may obtain a visa through afee-based service such as GEN VISA. Please note that GEN VISA is unable to assistpassengers who choose to apply for their visas directly. Passengers travelingto Tanzania from Kenya or another country with risk of yellow fever, must carryproof of yellow fever vaccination.

TURKEY -Visa required. An e-visa must be obtained in advance at Visas are not required for sea cruise passengers whopurchase shore excursions to Kusadasi and Istanbul. When entering Turkey via aland border crossing, a pre-obtained e-Visa is also required. Contact theEmbassy of the Republic of Turkey at 2525 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington,D.C. 20008, telephone: (202) 612-6700, or the Turkish consulates general inBoston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, or New York. Information may also befound at

UGANDA -Visa required. Visitors to Uganda must apply for a visa in advance throughthe Government of Uganda’s website at least two weeks prior to travel. The fee fora single entry tourist visa is $50. Passengers traveling to Uganda will need toprovide a local reference, including company name, address and phone number,for their Ugandan visa. Passengers traveling on the 19 Day Kenya &Uganda Wildlife Exploration may apply for an East Africa Tourist Visa for $100which is valid for entry into Kenya and Uganda. The East Africa Tourist Visacan be obtained through the Kenyan Embassy. Please see the Kenya visa procedurelisted above.

VIETNAM – Visa required. Contact Vietnamese Embassy, 1233 20thStreet, Suite 400, NW, Washington, DC 20036; Website: There are Vietnamese Consulates General in San Francisco,New York & Houston. Alternatively, you may obtain a visa through afee-based service such as GEN VISA. Please note that GEN VISA is unable toassist passengers who choose to apply for their visas directly. Single entrye-visas may also be obtained in advance online by visiting for a $25 fee. Approval will take about 3 days. E-visaswill not be accepted when entering Vietnam by cruise.

ZAMBIA -Visa required. Visas may be purchased upon arrival to Zambia. US Citizenstraveling on the 13 Day Zambia, Zimbabwe & South Africa Exploration and the13 Day Deluxe South Africa with Victoria Falls and Chobe River Safari shouldpurchase the Kaza UniVisa for $50. The Kaza UniVisa allows for multiple bordercrossings between Zambia and Zimbabwe as required by these itineraries. Allinformation and rates are subject to change without notice. Payment is cash isrecommended. Non-U.S. Citizens should check with the appropriate foreignconsular representative.

ZIMBABWE – Visa required. Visas may be purchased upon arrival toZimbabwe. US Citizens entering Zimbabwe for tourism can expect to pay $30 for asingle-entry visa and $60 for a double-entry visa. Passengers traveling on the14 Day Classic South Africa with Victoria Falls and Discovery Tours Zimbabwe,Botswana & South Africa Adventure are required to purchase only a single entryvisa. Passengers traveling on the 16 Day Classic South Africa with VictoriaFalls & Botswana are required to purchase a double-entry visa. Passengerstraveling on the 13 Day Zambia, Zimbabwe & South Africa Exploration and the13 Day Deluxe South Africa with Victoria Falls and Chobe River Safari shouldpurchase the Kaza UniVisa for $50. The Kaza UniVisa allows for multiple bordercrossings between Zambia and Zimbabwe as required by these itineraries. Allinformation and rates are subject to change without notice. Payment in cash isrecommended. Non-U.S. Citizens should check with the appropriate foreign consularrepresentative.

All information and rates are subject tochange without notice. Non-U.S. Citizens should check with the appropriateforeign consular representative.

Passport & Visa Information

IMPORTANT: You are responsible forobtaining the proper travel documents for the destinations on your itinerary.

Passports: Your U.S. passport should bevalid at least 6 months or longer beyond the dates of travel. Passport applicationsare available at most U.S. Post Offices, as well as at regional PassportAgencies. To learn how to apply for a U.S. Passport including expeditedservices, click here. Passengers requiring visas, whether obtained in advance orlocally upon arrival, should ensure that their passport has unstamped visapages.

Visas: If a visa is required andcannot be obtained upon arrival in your destination, you should makearrangements with the appropriate foreign consular representative, allowingenough time for mailing and processing. Alternatively, you may obtain a visathrough a fee-based service such as GEN VISA. Please note that GEN VISA isunable to assist passengers who choose to apply for their visas directly.

Double Entry/Multiple Entry Visas: If your itinerary involves entering a country, leaving andthen later re-entering the same country, you may require a double-entry ormultiple entry visa. Be sure to describe your itinerary clearly when contactinga foreign consular representative.

Entry Requirementsfor U.S. Passport Holders: Country details below are based on information obtainedfrom the U.S. State Department. This information is subject to change. To checkfor updates, please check with the consular office of the countries to bevisited and/or click here.

Non U.S. Citizens: All information provided belowpertains to U.S. passport holders only. Non-U.S. Citizens should checkwith the appropriate foreign consular representative.

Sea CruisePassengers: Passengerson sea cruises should check carefully the requirements for each country to bevisited on their sailing itinerary. Passengers without the correctdocumentation may be denied boarding at time of embarkation. Passengers maycontact their sea cruise line directly for information but remain responsibleto obtain any necessary visas.

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