Deposit & Payments

RESERVATIONS: Please visit, call DALATOUR at (800) 978-1274 or (305)882-1800

Deposit: A non-refundable deposit of $350 for theland and Air cost is due at the time of reservation. In some circumstances, additional deposits may be requiredin accordance with itinerary content. 20% perperson of the land cost. If departure date is within 65 days of travel,full payment is due.

PRICES: Prices are per person based upon sharedtwin room occupancy. Prices do not include items of a personal nature such aslaundry, tips for Guides and drivers, passport and visa fees, insurance, andforeign port taxes unless specifically indicated in the package inclusions.Prices are correct at time of publication; however, as airfares continuallyfluctuate and classes of service may have limited capacity, tour package pricesand availability will change accordingly. In case of human or computer error, DALATOURreserves the right to re-invoice for the correct price or service. A fullrefund will be made to passengers who choose not to pay an increase, provided DALATOURreceives a written cancellation within five days of the price increasenotification.

TravelInsurance: DALATOUR recommends that you purchase Travel Protection toprotect you and your trip investment. Travel protection may NOT be purchasedafter final payment has been made, and the protection plan premium isnon-refundable after a 10 day review period. Your coverage is provided based onthe date that you selected TravelProtection

Full Payment:

All reservations(except where specified): 65 days prior. In some circumstances, full payment may be required inaccordance with itinerary content.

Late Payment: If there is any outstanding balance bythe Final Payment Due date listed on your invoice, all travel services will besubject to automatic cancellation. A service reinstatement fee of $50 will beadded to your invoice and must be paid in advance in order to apply forreconfirmation of services.

LastMinute: All reservationsmust be made no later than 15 days prior to departure. If requested servicescannot be confirmed, payment will be refunded. If services are confirmed, finalpayment is due within 24 hours and all applicable cancellation penalties willapply.

Form of Payment: US Dollar check, bank check, moneyorder, wire transfer, major credit cards or debit cards. Credit card chargeswill be accepted by PayPal or online to fulfill non-refundable depositrequirement.

Final payment will beprocessed by US Dollar check, bank check, money order, wire transfer. Creditcard charges will be accepted by PayPal or online. Third-party credit cards arenot acceptable. Payments made by wire transfer must include an additional $25wire transfer fee. There is a $50 fee for returned checks.

Refunds: Refunds are processed to the creditcard(s) originally used for payment, up to the total amount paid, with anyremaining balance paid by US Dollar check.

Cancellation: Once a partial or full payment has beenmade, cancellations will only be accepted in writing. Email your cancellationto including your reservation number, full nameand date of travel. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours,call 305 882-1800 to ensure your information was received. Cancellation termswill be applied based on the date that the written cancellation is received andbased on the following dates prior to departure.

Cancellation feesapply to packages and/or services as indicated below. Package cancellation feesinclude airfare. Once airfare is purchased, either at time of booking forInstant Purchase Airfare or at time of full payment for DALATOUR, airline ticketswill be issued and are always subject to 100% penalty. After airfare purchase,only the remaining land package will be subject to the fees below. Cancellationfees will not be less than the initial non-refundable deposit.

All reservations,except where specified:

Up to 66 days prior to departure: $250 p.p.

65 to 31 days prior to departure: 50% of cost

30 to 8 days prior to departure: 90% of cost

7 day or less prior to departure: 100% of cost

Instant PurchaseAirfare, Packages, Group Tour Airfare & Rail Tickets:

Instant Purchase Airfare: 100% of airfare

Instant Purchase Package: 100% of package

Group Tour Airfare: 100% of airfare

Rail Tickets: 100%

Special Events &Products: Deposit, FinalPayment, and Cancellation penalties may differ for special events, somecustomized groups including group tour airfares, tours with internal flights,and/or certain sea cruises based on cabin category, length of sailing, andseasonality, as well as select packages and hotels, and will be advised at timeof booking on your invoice.

Reservation Changes: Changes to an existing reservation up to the Final PaymentDate, whatever the cause, will incur a $50 per person charge plus anyadditional supplier fees; on/ after the Final Payment Date, the $50 charge isno longer valid, instead cancellations terms apply. This includes name changes*and removal of any services such as optional tours and transfers. *Please notethat name changes to airline reservations are subject to full cancellation andrebooking. Replacing a traveling passenger with another traveling passengerconstitutes a cancellation, subject to cancellation penalties, and is notcovered by this Reservation Changes policy. Changes or additions afterdeparture are subject to local rates at the time of amendment and must be paiddirectly by the passenger to the service provider. There are no refunds forunused services.

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